Rectum Plush



Rectum Plush - Bringing Up The Rear - Plush Organ Stuffed Toy Pillow

Snuggle up with this super-soft, high-quality plush rectum -- it might be the cutest rectum you'll ever lay your eyes on. The butt of many jokes, the rectum plays a serious role when it comes to pooping. This fecal loading dock is lined with nerve endings that, when filled with poop, tell the brain to find a bathroom pronto. Strong muscles push the poop out of the rectum and through the anus and, if you’re lucky, into the toilet! Get to the bottom of all things rectum with our booklet hang tag, full of fecal facts and fun artwork.

Our super cute rectum stuffed toy sparks smiles during tough times. This rectum plushie draws awareness to a variety of serious health issues, including colorectal cancer, IBD, IBS, Crohn's and colitis, and the like. Snuggling this rectum after surgery warms hearts at the hospital. Great gift for your GI doc, colorectal surgeon, gastroenterology residents, medical school professors, colorectal cancer awareness advocates and dieticians alike. You’ll love having a rectum pillow around to hug or punch. Doctors and cancer researchers love having lab buddies!

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