Birds On A Wire Mug


Unemployed Philosophers Guild

If you know a bird-watcher or a nature-lover, we’re pretty sure they’ll be coo-coo for UPG’s Birds on a Wire mug. It’s for the early bird who enjoys a dawn chorus or the night owl who’s up late with the whip-poor-wills and herons.

When the mug is cool, it’s encircled with the elegant silhouettes of birds on a wire. Pour in a hot beverage and watch as 18 bird species show their true colors:

American Goldfinch
American Kestrel
American Robin
Barn Swallow
Carmine Bee-Eater
Eastern Towhee
Green Catbird
Indigo Bunting
King Parrot
Northern Mockingbird
Purple Finch
Red and Yellow Barbet
Red Whiskered Bulbul
Scissortail Flycatcher
Tree Swallow
Vermillion Flycatcher
Whiskered Treeswift
White-throated Sparrow

Holds 14 oz / 400mL. Disappearing mugs are not dishwasher safe but are microwave safe.

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